

主演:李纯贤 ,廖秋隆 ,谢明盛  奥黛丽 




不用播放器的片8293f6是导演吴千光 ,李淑和 拍摄的一部东帝汶剧,该剧编剧是吴明淑

主演由卢淑如 ,邱天月 ,李莉雯 ,许淑贞 ,王菁娥 ,陈俊全 ,崔学山 ..该片评分是10分,不用播放器的片上映于2022-12-30的蕉城区 ,http://www.mugua1.xyz第一时间收录《不用播放器的片》的(英语,国语,原声版)并提供免费在线观看,本剧主要讲述:About a yeare already past since, there dwelt at Barletta, an honestman, called John de Barolo, who because he was of poore condition; formaintenance in his contented estate, provided himselfe of a Mule, tocarry commodities from place to place, where Faires and Markets werein request, but most especially to Apuglia, buying and selling inthe nature of a petty Chapman. Travelling thus thorow theCountreyes, he grew into great and familiar acquaintance, with one whonamed himselfe Pietro da Tresanti, following the same Trade of life ashe did, carrying his commodities upon an Asse. In signe of amitie,according to the Countreyes custome, he never tearmed him otherwisethen by the name of Gossip Pietro and alwayes when he came toBarletta, he brought him to his own house, taking it as his Inne,entreating him very friendly, and in the best manner he could deviseto doe. On the other side, Gossip Pietro being very poore, havingbut one simple habitation in the village of Tresanti, hardly sufecientfor him, and an handsome young woman which he had to his wife, as alsohis Asse: evermore when John de Barolo came to Tresanti, he wouldbring him to his poore abiding, with all his uttermost abilitie ofentertainement, in due acknowledgement of the courtesie he afforded tohim at Barletta. But when he came to take repose in the nightseason, Gossip Pietro could not lodge him as gladly he would:because he had but one silly bed, wherein himselfe and his wife lay;so that John de Barolo was faigne to lie on a little straw, in a smallstable, close adjoyning by his owne Mule and the Asse.




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